Friday, December 19, 2008
Barn Owls Outside our Windows

by Clio
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Announcing Clio's Dog Album
Monday, November 3, 2008

Madurai >Thekkady> Madurai> Nagercoil >Madurai

I am on a two-week vacation, which is half over. On the first day of the vacation, we traveled on a night train to Madurai, where my father’s teacher’s wife lives. We stayed for two nights: on the second night, the power went out and I got 222 mosquito bites because the fan and the insect repellent went out, as they are generated by electricity. The mosquitoes kept buzzing in my ear every three seconds, even when I covered up my face. After a while, it was too much, so I woke up my mom and she got out a mosquito net. We took the mosquito net outside, and tried to sleep under it. About an hour later, when no one fell asleep, we went inside and managed to get some sleep for the last hour or two before morning. That is the story of my 222 mosquito bites.
The next morning, we left for the mountains and went on a boat ride to see wild animals. Near our cabin there was a nice restaurant. I was delighted to see that our cabin had a mosquito net and repellent. They kept away mosquitoes for the whole night so we could get some sleep. When we woke up, we went on a jeep safari, and saw many animals. On our second jeep safari, we saw two elephants. When we came back, I felt sick. I was sick the whole night, and couldn’t go on the last safari, (a walking one), so my mom stayed with me. Afterwards, my dad said he could have stayed behind, because it rained. Then we went back to Madurai.Friday, October 17, 2008
The Roof
I love the roof. It is a large space on top of the apartments. People hang their laundry on ropes tied around water towers made of concrete. The roof is much larger than it appears in the picture, the water towers you see father away are also part of the roof. My sister my mom and I, go up there for the breeze during the daily power outage at 3:00, lasting until about 4:30. It is so hot inside, that we need to go up to the roof to escape the heat. Sometimes, the power goes out a lot earlier, like today-- 11:00. During the power outage, we can't even get the Internet. The roof is really big, and it is very high up, so it escapes most of the heat. Of course, you have to wear shoes on the roof or else your feet will burn. I find that in India, it is better to test any metal that has been in the sun for a long time before touching it. It is the same for the floor of the roof. The roof is really fun and I go there whenever I can.

The Breezy Beach

The beach that at the end of our street is part of the Bay of Bengal. The Bay of Bengal connects to the Indian Ocean. Our beach is called Breezy Beach. The name tells the truth; it is fantastically windy.
Every evening I go to the beach with my dad and my sister. Sometimes my mom comes but mostly she does not come. I sometimes go in the water. The waves are pretty big. Other times, I build sand castles and find clams and call one Mr. K and the other one Mrs. Q. Mrs. Q and Mr. K try to get away when you put them in water and you see their foot. The clams are longer, more brightly colored, thinner and smoother, than the ones that are found in Connecticut.
The crabs here look a little strange. Their eyes are directly one top of their head. The crabs are sand-colored and they dig holes in the sand. They are everywhere. I like to run on the beach and chase the really big crabs. They run away into the water. They are super fast.
People throw plastic garbage bags of flowers into the ocean. My dad thinks it's a funeral ritual but we're not quite sure.
Breezy Beach is connected to a walkway that is called the Breezy Beach Walkway. There are puppies on the walkway but mostly we see people on the Breezy Beach Walkway. They are running, sitting, walking, bicycling and doing yoga. There are lots of street dogs on the Breezy Beach Walkway. They look like they are exercising too except the dogs are not bicycling or doing yoga.
There are always interesting things happening on Breezy Beach and its walkway.
Monday, September 22, 2008
Every morning, my mom wakes me up at 6:00 to go on a walk on the beach with her, my dad, and my sister. There are lots of people stretching and jogging on the beach at that time of day because that is the only time it is cool enough to walk. There are fishing boats on the shore and they are all painted in bright colors. There are also boats made of logs tied together.
Isabel 22/9/08
I went to India on September 15th and got there two days later. I was so tired. The apartment we rented is nice. When we went on a walk. We saw monkeys and their babies. They were really cute. There are lots of dogs on the streets. Mom wakes us up at five in the morning to go on an exercise walk. It's very tiring. We do home schooling every morning. So far it's been fun.
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Coyote Stompers: Wimberley, Texas

Wimberley, Texas -note the ever present Action Man

My grandparents took my cousins, mom, sister, and I, to see some donkeys. Their names are: Jenny, (she is the mother) Jack, (he is the father) and Jackson, (he is the baby). We got to feed Jack and Jenny. My grandparents are being giving Jackson because they have deer and the coyotes eat the deer. They need to
protect the deer so they will get Jackson.
Clio 9/08
2nd photo: (Future coyote- stomper) Jackson with his mother Jenny (supreme varmint killer).
Saturday, September 6, 2008
The Blue Hole, Wimberley, Texas

In August, I went to the Blue Hole with my cousins. The Blue Hole is in Wimberley, Texas. I climbed a big, forty-five foot cypress tree with only knots for the first forty feet. I wanted to swing from the tree on a rope swing with a wooden bar. I had to pull the swing up using a rope attached to the swing. I had to take the rope off and step off the tree. I bear climbed to get the rope and it felt like I was going to be pulled off the tree. Then I stepped off and I fell a little, then the swing caught me.
It was scarier then last year, because there was no one there to help me and I didn’t have to get the rope myself because they handed it to me. Another reason it was scarier was because no one else was doing it. Last year I was able to do it five times. This year I was only able to do it once and I felt tired afterwards. The Blue Hole was really fun.
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Whale Watching off Provincetown, Cape Cod, July 12, 2008