Sunday, January 25, 2009

Ants in the Kitchen

Ants in the Kitchen
by Isabel
    The ants in our house used to invade the kitchen and the surrounding areas. My mom did not like this and wanted to put out poison. I started putting out dishes filled with sugar water, bread soaked in honey, grape juice, and anything I could find that I thought the ants would like. Soon we noticed that the ants stopped getting into our food. They did not need to forage anymore because I was putting food right near their nest.
    There are several things I have noticed that the ants do when they collect food: If it is a liquid, they will hold on to the lip of the dish with their back legs, and drink the sweet substance. The three armor-like plates on their abdomen swell as the ants drink. There are transparent folds of skin-like material in between the plates. (You can see this in the picture.)
     The ants that have been collecting food will feed newcomers some of whatever they have collected. I think this is so the newcomer can see the type of food she is supposed to collect. I don’t know this for sure, but it seems like the ant will go directly to the dish that contains whatever she has been given, and no other.
     There is a predator for the ants, the pallis. They are little geckos that come out at night and eat bugs. The pallis have found the spot where the ants come to get fed. You rarely see pallis beyond three inches but pallis that eat our ants are five or six inches. They are being fed ants that are large already but are made even larger by the sweet nourishment they are bringing back to the nest. The food these pallis eat are both nutritious and and filling.  Pallis eat as much as they can and the ants 
are so consumed with their work that they don't even realize that the pallis are there.  The pallis are able to eat quite a bit, and they get really big. 
    I have created a predator-prey situation that is quite effective in keeping the ants under control.  Some people put out poison, and this kills off the both the pests and the predators. Then the pests come back and there is nothing to keep them under control except poison which you have to put out all the time.
    The ants in our house no longer invade the kitchen, and we did not have to use the poison my mom was thinking about getting.  This is an all-win situation, even for the ants, because they get most of the food back to their nest.  This is a strategy that is better for the environment, the ants, the geckos, and us.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Our Trip with Noah

Our Trip with Noah

by Clio

  Noah came to India for Christmas vacation.  We went on many exciting adventures while he was here.  Here are three of them:

                     Horn Bill Camp

We went to a state called Kerala.  In Kerala we went into the mountains to a camp site called Horn Bill Camp.  We went kayaking three times. Once, my kayak almost tipped over.  Another time, it bumped into a big stand of bamboo. 

    One night at camp, we heard elephants eating bamboo and trumpeting. One morning we went birding  and saw:  a Black Buza , a Cormorant, a Snake Darter, a Horn Bill, Haring Tree Pies , Frog mouth, Oriental Robin,  Paradise Fly Catcher,  Red Bellied Ground Thrush, and a bird called the Seven Sisters.  (We saw more birds but I can’t remember them.)  At Horn Bill we also went on an exciting bike ride and saw a half-sunken canoe and a dog that looked like a sausage.

   The Cardamom Club

    Next, we went to a plantation called the Cardamom Club .  At the Cardamom club, there was a tree house and a big yard where Isabel and I liked to play.  We went on a big walk and saw  woodpeckers ( it was the Common Golden Backed Woodpecker )  and we saw a Gaur (wild bison) and her calf.

         The House Boat

   Then, we spent a night on a house boat; it was terrifically fun.  Isabel and I went fishing and caught fish.  They were grayish-brown, pretty fish with two, big, red spots above their tails.  We let them go because they were too small to eat.  Besides the fish, we were told there were water monitors in the water but we did not see any.  

On the house boat, we ate delicious, bony fish with yummy, fat, Kerala rice. 


Here we are waiting for the train after our trip.  Noah and Isabel are playing backgammon and I am reading The Little Prince